California has the only state park that is dedicated to rock and roll. It is Olompali State Park, and it is located on Hwy. 101 in Marin County, north of San Francisco. The Grateful Dead used to hang out there and jam, developing their skills as musicians that they would later take around the world. I would like to visit the park and put on a concert to celebrate the connection of the beauty of nature, the Miwok culture, and the music that came from there. Maybe someday.

Photo of Olompali from the Press Democrat. Author unknown.
About Scott
The founding member of Terra Cotta Music, Scott is a guitarist, composer, educator, writer, and avid hiker. His love for the outdoors, especially the beautiful trails of Sedona, Arizona has been a great source of creative inspiration. He believes that a close connection to nature brings comfort to our souls and spirits, and tries to capture and reflect that in his music and in this blog. You can email him at