The Fruit Trees of Sandy Hook


Yesterday marks the one anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting that took the lives of twenty grade school children. As a teacher and a parent, I am doubly horrified by the events that occurred in that small elementary school, as I‘m sure you are, too. Others have gone into great detail on the events of that day, and I won’t. But I do want to share something that I found of great interest to me.

To the people of Newtown, Connecticut, still reeling in shock and sadness from this event, a group of kind-hearted Minnesotans donated 30 fruit trees. The residents recently planted them in their community victory garden.

Bill Tooney, an employee of the Nature Conservancy in Newtown, wrote a thoughtful article about this event, and how working with baby trees brought these people one step closer to healing. But don’t take my word for it. You can read his article at   I hope you do.

(Image credit: Newtown Parks and Recreation)

About Scott

The founding member of Terra Cotta Music, Scott is a guitarist, composer, educator, writer, and avid hiker. His love for the outdoors, especially the beautiful trails of Sedona, Arizona has been a great source of creative inspiration. He believes that a close connection to nature brings comfort to our souls and spirits, and tries to capture and reflect that in his music and in this blog. You can email him at
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