Does This Stress Make Me Look Fat?

Stress. I spell it with a capital ARRRGGGG!!!! It seems to be everywhere these days. People are worried about so much–the economy, health issues, relationships, employment, etc., etc., etc. It always seems to be worse this time of year.

I don’t claim to have all the answers to combating stress. All I can do is tell you how I deal with it. First, I become aware of it in my own life. At least if I’m willing to admit that I am under stress, I may be able to do something about it. Second, I take care of myself. I try to get enough sleep, eat healthy foods (though I cheat), and exercise. Third, I make a point of trying to be extra patient with others, and a little more kind towards them. I avoid conflict if possible, I smile when I don’t feel like it, and I don’t fill myself with bad news that I have no control over.

And lastly, but not leastly, I think about the good times I have had outdoors. Sometimes, thinking about a hike I have taken is almost as good as the hike was when I took it. I even have pictures to prove it.

Lunar Eclipse as seen from Thunderbird Park

What do you do to alleviate stress? Let me know in the comments.

About Scott

The founding member of Terra Cotta Music, Scott is a guitarist, composer, educator, writer, and avid hiker. His love for the outdoors, especially the beautiful trails of Sedona, Arizona has been a great source of creative inspiration. He believes that a close connection to nature brings comfort to our souls and spirits, and tries to capture and reflect that in his music and in this blog. You can email him at
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2 Responses to Does This Stress Make Me Look Fat?

  1. Beth Bagwell says:

    Sometimes a long drive through beautiful countryside is very nice.

  2. kholland says:

    Stand on my head! See things in a different perspective!